
Sanjay R. Radia

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9 Ashish Singhai, Swee Boon Lim, Sanjay R. Radia: The SunSCALR Framework for Internet Servers. FTCS 1998: 108-117
8EESanjay R. Radia, Graham Hamilton, Peter B. Kessler, Michael L. Powell: The Spring Object Model. COOTS 1995
7 James G. Mitchell, Jonathan Gibbons, Graham Hamilton, Peter B. Kessler, Yousef Y. A. Khalidi, Panos Kougiouris, Peter Madany, Michael N. Nelson, Michael L. Powell, Sanjay R. Radia: An Overview of the Spring System. COMPCON 1994: 122-131
6 Sanjay R. Radia, Michael N. Nelson, Michael L. Powell: Security in the Spring Name Service. ICDCS 1994: 106-115
5 Michael N. Nelson, Sanjay R. Radia: A Uniform Name Service for Spring's UNIX Environment. USENIX Winter 1994: 201-209
4 Graham Hamilton, Sanjay R. Radia: Using Interface Inheritance to Address Problems in System Software Evolution. Workshop on Interface Definition Languages 1994: 119-128
3 Sanjay R. Radia, Jan K. Pachl: Coherence in Naming in Distributed Computing Environments. ICDCS 1993: 83-92
2EESanjay R. Radia: Autonomy, local autonomy, and coherence in naming in distributed computer systems. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1988
1 Sanjay R. Radia: A Markov Model for Distributed Communicating Sequential Processes. Performance 1984: 3-16

Coauthor Index

1Jonathan Gibbons [7]
2Graham Hamilton [4] [7] [8]
3Peter B. Kessler [7] [8]
4Yousef Y. A. Khalidi (M. Yousef Amin Khalidi) [7]
5Panos Kougiouris [7]
6Swee Boon Lim [9]
7Peter Madany [7]
8James G. Mitchell [7]
9Michael N. Nelson [5] [6] [7]
10Jan K. Pachl [3]
11Michael L. Powell [6] [7] [8]
12Ashish Singhai [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)