
V. Radha

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8EEV. Radha, S. Ramakrishna, N. Pradeep Kumar: Generic XML Schema Definition (XSD) to GUI Translator. ICDCIT 2005: 290-296
7 V. Radha, Ved Prakash Gulati, N. Hemanth Kumar: Securing the Enterprise Database. ICEIS (1) 2005: 76-83
6EEV. Radha, N. Hemanth Kumar: EISA - An Enterprise Application Security Solution for Databases. ICISS 2005: 164-176
5EEV. Radha, Ved Prakash Gulati, Arun K. Pujari: A Balanced Multicast Overlay Protocol - Appcast. AINA (2) 2004: 307-312
4EER. V. R. P. Kumar, V. Radha: YALXP: Yet Another Lightweight XPath Processor. CIT 2004: 387-399
3EEV. Radha, Ved Prakash Gulati, Rajesh Thapar: Evolution of Web Services Approach in SFMS - A Case Study. ICWS 2004: 640-647
2EEV. Radha, Ved Prakash Gulati, Arun K. Pujari: Efficient Multicast E-Services Over APPCAST. ITCC (2) 2004: 331-336
1EEV. Radha, Ved Prakash Gulati, Arun K. Pujari: Appcast - A Low Stress and High Stretch Overlay Protocol. GCC (2) 2003: 360-371

Coauthor Index

1Ved Prakash Gulati [1] [2] [3] [5] [7]
2N. Hemanth Kumar [6] [7]
3N. Pradeep Kumar [8]
4R. V. R. P. Kumar [4]
5Arun K. Pujari [1] [2] [5]
6S. Ramakrishna [8]
7Rajesh Thapar [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)