
Luis C. Rabelo

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5EEPaul Fishwick, Zach Ezzel, Nabeel Yousef, David J. Miranda, Haluk M. Akin, Luis C. Rabelo, José A. Sepúlveda: Ontology-centered integration of project management, cost and resource modeling with analysis, simulation and visualization: a case study of space port operations. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 2032-2040
4EEJosé A. Sepúlveda, Luis C. Rabelo, Jaebok Park, Frank Riddick, Cary J. Peaden: Implementing the High Level Architecture in the Virtual Test Bed. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 1444-1451
3EEJosé A. Sepúlveda, Luis C. Rabelo, Mario Marin, Amith Paruchuri, Amit Wasadikar, Karthik Nayaranan: Parallel Discrete Event Simulation of Space Shuttle Operations. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 1452-
2EEJosé A. Sepúlveda, Luis C. Rabelo, Jaebok Park, Fred Gruber, Oscar Martínez Bonastre: Factors Affecting the Expectation of Casualties in the Virtual Range Toxicity Model. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 1762-
1 Shahla Keyvan, Luis C. Rabelo: Application of ART2-A as a Pseudo-supervised Paradigm to Nuclear Reactor Diagnosis. IWANN (1) 1999: 747-755

Coauthor Index

1Haluk M. Akin [5]
2Oscar Martínez Bonastre [2]
3Zach Ezzel [5]
4Paul Fishwick [5]
5Fred Gruber [2]
6Shahla Keyvan [1]
7Mario Marin [3]
8David J. Miranda [5]
9Karthik Nayaranan [3]
10Jaebok Park [2] [4]
11Amith Paruchuri [3]
12Cary J. Peaden [4]
13Frank Riddick [4]
14José A. Sepúlveda [2] [3] [4] [5]
15Amit Wasadikar [3]
16Nabeel Yousef [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)