
Alberto Rabbachin

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5EESamuel Dubouloz, Alberto Rabbachin, Sébastien de Rivaz, Benoît Denis, Laurent Ouvry: Performance analysis of low complexity solutions for UWB low data rate impulse radio. ISCAS 2006
4EEJussi Haapola, Leonardo Goratti, Isameldin Suliman, Alberto Rabbachin: Preamble Sense Multiple Access (PSMA) for Impulse Radio Ultra Wideband Sensor Networks. SAMOS 2006: 155-166
3EEKegen Yu, Jean-Philippe Montillet, Alberto Rabbachin, Paul Cheong, Ian Oppermann: UWB location and tracking for wireless embedded networks. Signal Processing 86(9): 2153-2171 (2006)
2EESakari Tiuraniemi, Lucian-Vasile Stoica, Alberto Rabbachin, Ian Oppermann: A VLSI Implementation of Low Power, Low Data Rate UWB Transceiver for Location and Tracking Applications. VLSI Signal Processing 43(1): 43-58 (2006)
1EEMarkku J. Juntti, Alberto Rabbachin, Kari Pajukoski: Autocorrelation-based blind spreading-factor detection for CDMA. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(9): 1453-1458 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Paul Cheong [3]
2Benoît Denis [5]
3Samuel Dubouloz [5]
4Leonardo Goratti [4]
5Jussi Haapola [4]
6Markku J. Juntti [1]
7Jean-Philippe Montillet [3]
8Ian Oppermann [2] [3]
9Laurent Ouvry [5]
10Kari Pajukoski [1]
11Sébastien de Rivaz [5]
12Lucian-Vasile Stoica [2]
13Isameldin Suliman [4]
14Sakari Tiuraniemi [2]
15Kegen Yu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)