
Birger Raa

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5EEBirger Raa, El Houssaine Aghezzaf: A practical solution approach for the cyclic inventory routing problem. European Journal of Operational Research 192(2): 429-441 (2009)
4EEBirger Raa: New models and algorithms for the cyclic inventory routing problem. 4OR 6(1): 97-100 (2008)
3EEEl Houssaine Aghezzaf, Birger Raa, Hendrik Van Landeghem: Modeling inventory routing problems in supply chains of high consumption products. European Journal of Operational Research 169(3): 1048-1063 (2006)
2EEWout Dullaert, Bert Vernimmen, Birger Raa, Frank Witlox: A Hybrid Approach to Designing Inbound-Resupply Strategies. IEEE Intelligent Systems 20(4): 19-25 (2005)
1EEWout Dullaert, Bert Vernimmen, Birger Raa, Frank Witlox: A Hybrid Approach to Designing Inbound-Resupply Strategies. IEEE Intelligent Systems 20(4): 31-35 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1El Houssaine Aghezzaf [3] [5]
2Wout Dullaert [1] [2]
3Hendrik Van Landeghem (Rik Van Landeghem) [3]
4Bert Vernimmen [1] [2]
5Frank Witlox [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)