
Thorsteinn S. Rögnvaldsson

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8EEThorsteinn S. Rögnvaldsson, Georg Panholzer, Stefan Byttner, Magnus Svensson: A self-organized approach for unsupervised fault detection in multiple systems. ICPR 2008: 1-4
7EELiwen You, Thorsteinn S. Rögnvaldsson: Almost Linear Biobasis Function Neural Networks. IJCNN 2007: 1774-1778
6EEKenneth Nilsson, Thorsteinn S. Rögnvaldsson, Jens Cameron, Christina Jacobson: Biometric Identification of Mice. ICPR (4) 2006: 465-468
5EEEric A. Antonelo, Albert-Jan Baerveldt, Thorsteinn S. Rögnvaldsson, Mauricio Figueiredo: Modular Neural Network and Classical Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robot Navigation: Inhibiting Undesirable Behaviors. IJCNN 2006: 498-505
4EEThorsteinn S. Rögnvaldsson, Liwen You: Why neural networks should not be used for HIV-1 protease cleavage site prediction. Bioinformatics 20(11): 1702-1709 (2004)
3EEJim Samuelsson, Daniel Dalevi, Fredrik Levander, Thorsteinn S. Rögnvaldsson: Modular, scriptable and automated analysis tools for high-throughput peptide mass fingerprinting. Bioinformatics 20(18): 3628-3635 (2004)
2EEJohn E. Moody, Thorsteinn S. Rögnvaldsson: Smoothing Regularizers for Projective Basis Function Networks. NIPS 1996: 585-591
1EEThorsteinn S. Rögnvaldsson: A Simple Trick for Estimating the Weight Decay Parameter. Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade 1996: 71-92

Coauthor Index

1Eric A. Antonelo [5]
2Albert-Jan Baerveldt [5]
3Stefan Byttner [8]
4Jens Cameron [6]
5Daniel Dalevi [3]
6Mauricio Figueiredo [5]
7Christina Jacobson [6]
8Fredrik Levander [3]
9John E. Moody [2]
10Kenneth Nilsson [6]
11Georg Panholzer [8]
12Jim Samuelsson [3]
13Magnus Svensson [8]
14Liwen You [4] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)