
Leandro Chaves Rêgo

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12EEJoseph Y. Halpern, Leandro Chaves Rêgo: Characterizing the NP-PSPACE Gap in the Satisfiability Problem for Modal Logic. IJCAI 2007: 2306-2311
11EELeandro Chaves Rêgo, Joseph Y. Halpern: Generalized solution concepts in games with possibly unaware players. TARK 2007: 253-262
10EEJoseph Y. Halpern, Leandro Chaves Rêgo: Extensive Games with Possibly Unaware Players CoRR abs/0704.2014: (2007)
9EELeandro Chaves Rêgo, Joseph Y. Halpern: Generalized Solution Concepts in Games with Possibly Unaware Players CoRR abs/0707.1904: (2007)
8EEJoseph Y. Halpern, Leandro Chaves Rêgo: Characterizing the NP-PSPACE Gap in the Satisfiability Problem for Modal Logic. J. Log. Comput. 17(4): 795-806 (2007)
7EEJoseph Y. Halpern, Leandro Chaves Rêgo: Extensive games with possibly unaware players. AAMAS 2006: 744-751
6 Joseph Y. Halpern, Leandro Chaves Rêgo: Reasoning about Knowledge of Unawareness. KR 2006: 6-13
5EEJoseph Y. Halpern, Leandro Chaves Rêgo: Characterizing the NP-PSPACE Gap in the Satisfiability Problem for Modal Logic CoRR abs/cs/0603019: (2006)
4EEJoseph Y. Halpern, Leandro Chaves Rêgo: Reasoning About Knowledge of Unawareness CoRR abs/cs/0603020: (2006)
3 Leandro Chaves Rêgo, Terrence L. Fine: Estimation of Chaotic Probabilities. ISIPTA 2005: 297-305
2EEJoseph Y. Halpern, Leandro Chaves Rêgo: Interactive unawareness revisited. TARK 2005: 78-91
1EEJoseph Y. Halpern, Leandro Chaves Rêgo: Interactive Unawareness Revisited CoRR abs/cs/0509058: (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Terrence L. Fine (Terrence Fine) [3]
2Joseph Y. Halpern [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)