
Balázs Rácz

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10EEAdam L. Buchsbaum, Raffaele Giancarlo, Balázs Rácz: New results for finding common neighborhoods in massive graphs in the data stream model. Theor. Comput. Sci. 407(1-3): 302-309 (2008)
9EEDániel Fogaras, Balázs Rácz: Practical Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Similarity Search in Massive Graphs. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 19(5): 585-598 (2007)
8EEBalázs Rácz, Csaba István Sidló, András Lukács, András A. Benczúr: Two-Phase Data Warehouse Optimized for Data Mining. BIRTE 2006: 63-76
7EETamás Sarlós, András A. Benczúr, Károly Csalogány, Dániel Fogaras, Balázs Rácz: To randomize or not to randomize: space optimal summaries for hyperlink analysis. WWW 2006: 297-306
6EEDániel Fogaras, Balázs Rácz: Scaling link-based similarity search. WWW 2005: 641-650
5 Dániel Fogaras, Balázs Rácz, Károly Csalogány, Tamás Sarlós: Towards Scaling Fully Personalized PageRank: Algorithms, Lower Bounds, and Experiments. Internet Mathematics 2(3): (2005)
4EEBalázs Rácz, András Lukács: High Density Compression of Log Files. Data Compression Conference 2004: 557
3EEDániel Fogaras, Balázs Rácz: A Scalable Randomized Method to Compute Link-Based Similarity Rank on the Web Graph. EDBT Workshops 2004: 557-567
2EEBalázs Rácz: nonordfp: An FP-growth variation without rebuilding the FP-tree. FIMI 2004
1EEDániel Fogaras, Balázs Rácz: Towards Scaling Fully Personalized PageRank. WAW 2004: 105-117

Coauthor Index

1András A. Benczúr [7] [8]
2Adam L. Buchsbaum [10]
3Károly Csalogány [5] [7]
4Dániel Fogaras [1] [3] [5] [6] [7] [9]
5Raffaele Giancarlo [10]
6András Lukács [4] [8]
7Tamás Sarlós [5] [7]
8Csaba István Sidló [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)