
Olivier Quinet

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3EEOlivier Quinet, Benoît Champagne, Paolo Lazzeretti: Rototranslational sum rules for static and dynamic polarisabilities. Computer Physics Communications 173(3): 131-139 (2005)
2EEOlivier Quinet, Benoît Champagne, Bernard Kirtman: Analytical TDHF second derivatives of dynamic electronic polarizability with respect to nuclear coordinates. Application to the dynamic ZPVA correction. Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(15): 1495-1496 (2002)
1EEOlivier Quinet, Benoît Champagne, Bernard Kirtman: Analytical TDHF second derivatives of dynamic electronic polarizability with respect to nuclear coordinates. Application to the dynamic ZPVA correction. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(16): 1920-1932 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Benoît Champagne [1] [2] [3]
2Bernard Kirtman [1] [2]
3Paolo Lazzeretti [3]

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