
A. Quilliot

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6EEA. Quilliot: Convexity and global optimization: a theoretical link. Theor. Comput. Sci. 263(1-2): 191-204 (2001)
5EEA. Quilliot: On the properties of the subsets of a discrete domain defined by the local optimae of a function endowed with some geometrical properties. Discrete Mathematics 192(1-3): 309-322 (1998)
4EEF. Bendali, A. Quilliot: Compatibilité entre structures d'intervalles et relations d'orde. Discrete Mathematics 130(1-3): 19-37 (1994)
3 D. Ferney, A. Quilliot: A Backward Chaining Resolution Process Involving Non-Monotonic Operators. IPMU 1992: 73-82
2EEA. Quilliot: Une condition pour qu'une famille de triangles soit orientable en un ordre cyclique. Discrete Mathematics 91(2): 171-182 (1991)
1EEA. Quilliot: Circular representation problem on hypergraphs. Discrete Mathematics 51(3): 251-264 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1F. Bendali [4]
2D. Ferney [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)