
Sergio E. Quijada

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2EEAbeer Sharawi, Serge N. Sala-Diakanda, Adam Dalton, Sergio E. Quijada, Nabeel Yousef, Luis Rabelo, José A. Sepúlveda: A distributed simulation approach for modeling and analyzing systems of systems. Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 1028-1035
1EESergio E. Quijada, Juan F. Arcas, Cristian Renner, Luis Rabelo: A spatio temporal simulation model for evaluating delinquency and crime policies. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 1328-1334

Coauthor Index

1Juan F. Arcas [1]
2Adam Dalton [2]
3Luis Rabelo [1] [2]
4Cristian Renner [1]
5Serge N. Sala-Diakanda [2]
6José A. Sepúlveda [2]
7Abeer Sharawi [2]
8Nabeel Yousef [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)