
Joseph Qualls

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4 Joseph Qualls, David J. Russomanno, Amy de Jongh Curry, Deepika Konakanchi: Visualization of Defibrillation Simulation Using Multiple Transthoracic Electrodes. MSV 2008: 136-141
3EEJoseph Qualls, Max Garzon, David J. Russomanno: Neural-based agents cooperate to survive in the defend and gather computer game. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 1398-1402
2 Joseph Qualls, David J. Russomanno, J. Caleb Goodwin: Hinge-Sliced Visualization of Defibrillation-Induced Voltage Gradients. MSV 2007: 74-78
1 J. Caleb Goodwin, David J. Russomanno, Joseph Qualls: Survey of Semantic Extensions to UDDI: Implications for Sensor Services. SWWS 2007: 16-22

Coauthor Index

1Amy de Jongh Curry [4]
2Max Garzon [3]
3J. Caleb Goodwin [1] [2]
4Deepika Konakanchi [4]
5David J. Russomanno [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)