
Zhong Qu

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6EEZhong Qu, Lian Wang: A Spatial Clustering Algorithm Based on SOFM. ADMA 2006: 255-262
5EEZhong Qu, Lian Wang: Research on Spatial Data Mining Based on Knowledge Discovery. ICIC (2) 2006: 946-951
4EELijie Gan, Zhong Qu: Research on 3-D Reconstruction With a Series of Cross-Sectional Images. ICICIC (1) 2006: 636-639
3EEZhong Qu, Junhao Wen, Dan Yang, Ling Xu, Yu Wu: ART in Image Reconstruction with Narrow Fan-Beam Based on Data Mining. ADMA 2005: 407-414
2EEZhong Qu, Junhao Wen, Dan Yang, Yu Wu: Algebraic reconstruction technique in image reconstruction with narrow fan-beam. GrC 2005: 622-625
1EEZhong Qu: The convolution back projection algorithm based on windows function. GrC 2005: 626-629

Coauthor Index

1Lijie Gan [4]
2Lian Wang [5] [6]
3Junhao Wen [2] [3]
4Yu Wu [2] [3]
5Ling Xu [3]
6Dan Yang [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)