2008 |
10 | EE | Salwani Abdullah,
Uwe Aickelin,
Edmund K. Burke,
Aniza Mohamed Din,
Rong Qu:
Investigating a Hybrid Metaheuristic For Job Shop Rescheduling
CoRR abs/0803.1728: (2008) |
9 | EE | Edmund K. Burke,
Timothy Curtois,
Gerhard F. Post,
Rong Qu,
Bart Veltman:
A hybrid heuristic ordering and variable neighbourhood search for the nurse rostering problem.
European Journal of Operational Research 188(2): 330-341 (2008) |
2007 |
8 | EE | Salwani Abdullah,
Uwe Aickelin,
Edmund K. Burke,
Aniza Mohamed Din,
Rong Qu:
Investigating a Hybrid Metaheuristic for Job Shop Rescheduling.
ACAL 2007: 357-368 |
7 | EE | Masri Ayob,
Ariff Md. Ab. Malik,
Salwani Abdullah,
Abdul Razak Hamdan,
Graham Kendall,
Rong Qu:
Solving a Practical Examination Timetabling Problem: A Case Study.
ICCSA (3) 2007: 611-624 |
6 | EE | Edmund K. Burke,
Barry McCollum,
Amnon Meisels,
Sanja Petrovic,
Rong Qu:
A graph-based hyper-heuristic for educational timetabling problems.
European Journal of Operational Research 176(1): 177-192 (2007) |
2006 |
5 | EE | Edmund K. Burke,
Sanja Petrovic,
Rong Qu:
Case-based heuristic selection for timetabling problems.
J. Scheduling 9(2): 115-132 (2006) |
2002 |
4 | EE | Edmund K. Burke,
Bart L. MacCarthy,
Sanja Petrovic,
Rong Qu:
Knowledge Discovery in a Hyper-heuristic for Course Timetabling Using Case-Based Reasoning.
PATAT 2002: 276-287 |
3 | EE | Susan Malaika,
Constance J. Nelin,
Rong Qu,
Berthold Reinwald,
Daniel C. Wolfson:
DB2 and Web services.
IBM Systems Journal 41(4): 666-685 (2002) |
2001 |
2 | EE | Edmund K. Burke,
Bart L. MacCarthy,
Sanja Petrovic,
Rong Qu:
Case-Based Reasoning in Course Timetabling: An Attribute Graph Approach.
ICCBR 2001: 90-104 |
2000 |
1 | EE | Edmund K. Burke,
Bart L. MacCarthy,
Sanja Petrovic,
Rong Qu:
Structured cases in case-based reasoning - re-using and adapting cases for time-tabling problems.
Knowl.-Based Syst. 13(2-3): 159-165 (2000) |