
Maroje Puh

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3EEMaroje Puh, Toan Luu, Ivana Podnar Zarko, Martin Rajman: Scalable Content-Based Ranking in P2P Information Retrieval. KES (1) 2008: 633-640
2EEToan Luu, Gleb Skobeltsyn, Fabius Klemm, Maroje Puh, Ivana Podnar Zarko, Martin Rajman, Karl Aberer: AlvisP2P: scalable peer-to-peer text retrieval in a structured P2P network. PVLDB 1(2): 1424-1427 (2008)
1EEMaroje Puh, Gordan Jezic, Mario Kusek: Multi-agent System for Resource Discovery in Grid Network. WETICE 2007: 320-324

Coauthor Index

1Karl Aberer [2]
2Gordan Jezic [1]
3Fabius Klemm [2]
4Mario Kusek [1]
5Toan Luu [2] [3]
6Martin Rajman [2] [3]
7Gleb Skobeltsyn [2]
8Ivana Podnar Zarko (Ivana Podnar) [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)