2009 |
30 | EE | Angel R. Puerta,
Martin Hu:
UI Fin: a process-oriented interface design tool.
IUI 2009: 345-354 |
2007 |
29 | | David N. Chin,
Michelle X. Zhou,
Tessa A. Lau,
Angel R. Puerta:
Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, January 28-31, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
ACM 2007 |
2005 |
28 | EE | Angel R. Puerta,
Michael Micheletti,
Alan Mak:
The UI pilot: a model-based tool to guide early interface design.
IUI 2005: 215-222 |
2002 |
27 | EE | Angel R. Puerta,
Jacob Eisenstein:
XIML: a common representation for interaction data .
IUI 2002: 216-217 |
2001 |
26 | EE | Jacob Eisenstein,
Jean Vanderdonckt,
Angel R. Puerta:
Applying model-based techniques to the development of UIs for mobile computers.
IUI 2001: 69-76 |
2000 |
25 | EE | Jacob Eisenstein,
Angel R. Puerta:
Adaptation in automated user-interface design.
IUI 2000: 74-81 |
24 | EE | Jacob Eisenstein,
Jean Vanderdonckt,
Angel R. Puerta:
Adapting to mobile contexts with user-interface modeling.
WMCSA 2000: 83- |
1999 |
23 | | Jean Vanderdonckt,
Angel R. Puerta:
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces II, Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces, October 21-23, 1999, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Kluwer 1999 |
22 | | David J. Duke,
Angel R. Puerta:
Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems'99, Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Braga, Portugal, June 2-4, 1999
Springer 1999 |
21 | | Jean Vanderdonckt,
Angel R. Puerta:
Introduction to Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces.
CADUI 1999: 1-6 |
20 | EE | Angel R. Puerta,
Eric Cheng,
Tunhow Ou,
Justin Min:
MOBILE: User-Centered Interface Building.
CHI 1999: 426-433 |
19 | | Angel R. Puerta:
Human-Centered Model-Based Interface Development.
HCI (1) 1999: 1048-1052 |
18 | | Angel R. Puerta:
Formalization as a path to universal accessibility.
HCI (2) 1999: 908-912 |
17 | EE | Angel R. Puerta,
Jacob Eisenstein:
Towards a General Computational Framework for Model-Based Interface Development Systems.
IUI 1999: 171-178 |
16 | EE | Angel R. Puerta:
Conference review.
Intelligence 10(2): 29-31 (1999) |
15 | EE | Angel R. Puerta,
Jacob Eisenstein:
Towards a general computational framework for model-based interface development systems.
Knowl.-Based Syst. 12(8): 433-442 (1999) |
1998 |
14 | EE | R. Chung-Man Tam,
David Maulsby,
Angel R. Puerta:
U-TEL: A Tool for Eliciting User Task Models from Domain Experts.
IUI 1998: 77-80 |
13 | EE | Angel R. Puerta:
Knowl.-Based Syst. 10(5): 263-264 (1998) |
1997 |
12 | EE | Angel R. Puerta,
David Maulsby:
MOBI-D: A Model-Based Development Environment for User-Centered Design.
CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 4-5 |
11 | EE | Angel R. Puerta,
David Maulsby:
Management of Interface Design Knowledge with MOBI-D.
IUI 1997: 249-252 |
10 | | Angel R. Puerta:
A Model-Based Interface Development Environment.
IEEE Software 14(4): 40-47 (1997) |
1996 |
9 | | Angel R. Puerta:
The MECANO Project: Comprehensive and Integrated Support for Model-Based Interface Development.
CADUI 1996: 19-36 |
8 | | Angel R. Puerta:
Issues in Automatic Generation of User Interfaces in Model-Based Systems.
CADUI 1996: 323-326 |
7 | EE | Thomas E. Rothenfluh,
John H. Gennari,
Henrik Eriksson,
Angel R. Puerta,
Samson W. Tu,
Mark A. Musen:
Reusable ontologies, knowledge-acquisition tools, and performance systems: PROTÉGÉ-II solutions to Sisyphus-2.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 44(3-4): 303-332 (1996) |
1995 |
6 | EE | Henrik Eriksson,
Yuval Shahar,
Samson W. Tu,
Angel R. Puerta,
Mark A. Musen:
Task Modeling with Reusable Problem-Solving Methods.
Artif. Intell. 79(2): 293-326 (1995) |
1994 |
5 | | Angel R. Puerta,
Henrik Eriksson,
John H. Gennari,
Mark A. Musen:
Model-Based Automated Generation of User Interfaces.
AAAI 1994: 471-477 |
4 | | Angel R. Puerta,
Henrik Eriksson,
John H. Gennari,
Mark A. Musen:
Beyond Data Models for Automated User Interface Generation.
BCS HCI 1994: 353-366 |
3 | EE | Angel R. Puerta,
Pedro Szkeley:
Model-based interface development.
CHI Conference Companion 1994: 389-390 |
2 | EE | Henrik Eriksson,
Angel R. Puerta,
Mark A. Musen:
Generation of knowledge-acquisition tools from domain ontologies.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 41(3): 425-453 (1994) |
1993 |
1 | EE | Angel R. Puerta:
The study of models of intelligent interfaces.
IUI 1993: 71-78 |