
Joël Puech

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9EEOdile Favaron, Gerd Fricke, Dan Pritikin, Joël Puech: Irredundance and domination in kings graphs. Discrete Mathematics 262(1-3): 131-147 (2003)
8 Dominique Barth, Olivier Baudon, Joël Puech: Decomposable trees: a polynomial algorithm fortripodes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 119(3): 205-216 (2002)
7 Ernest J. Cockayne, Odile Favaron, Paul J. P. Grobler, Christina M. Mynhardt, Joël Puech: Generalised Ramsey Numbers with respect to Classes of Graphs. Ars Comb. 59: (2001)
6EEErnest J. Cockayne, Odile Favaron, Paul J. P. Grobler, Christina M. Mynhardt, Joël Puech: Ramsey properties of generalised irredundant sets in graphs. Discrete Mathematics 231(1-3): 123-134 (2001)
5EEOdile Favaron, Michael A. Henning, Joël Puech, Dieter Rautenbach: On domination and annihilation in graphs with claw-free blocks. Discrete Mathematics 231(1-3): 143-151 (2001)
4EEJoël Puech: R-annihilated and independent perfect neighborhood sets in chordal graphs. Discrete Mathematics 215: 181-199 (2000)
3 Joël Puech: Stability, domination, and irredundance in WAR graphs. Ars Comb. 52: (1999)
2EEOdile Favaron, Joël Puech: Irredundant and perfect neighborhood sets in graphs and claw-free graphs. Discrete Mathematics 197-198: 269-284 (1999)
1EEOdile Favaron, Joël Puech: Irredundance in grids. Discrete Mathematics 179(1-3): 257-265 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Dominique Barth [8]
2Olivier Baudon [8]
3Ernest J. Cockayne [6] [7]
4Odile Favaron [1] [2] [5] [6] [7] [9]
5Gerd Fricke [9]
6Paul J. P. Grobler [6] [7]
7Michael A. Henning [5]
8Christina M. Mynhardt [6] [7]
9Dan Pritikin [9]
10Dieter Rautenbach [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)