
Nat Pryce

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8EEYanmin Zhu, Sye Loong Keoh, Morris Sloman, Emil Lupu, Naranker Dulay, Nat Pryce: An Efficient Policy System for Body Sensor Networks. ICPADS 2008: 383-390
7EESteve Freeman, Nat Pryce, Joshua Kerievsky: Point/Counterpoint. IEEE Software 24(3): 80-83 (2007)
6EESteve Freeman, Nat Pryce: Evolving an embedded domain-specific language in Java. OOPSLA Companion 2006: 855-865
5EESteve Freeman, Tim Mackinnon, Nat Pryce, Joe Walnes: Mock roles, objects. OOPSLA Companion 2004: 236-246
4EESteve Freeman, Tim Mackinnon, Nat Pryce, Joe Walnes: jMock: supporting responsibility-based design with mock objects. OOPSLA Companion 2004: 4-5
3EEJeff Magee, Nat Pryce, Dimitra Giannakopoulou, Jeff Kramer: Graphical animation of behavior models. ICSE 2000: 499-508
2EENat Pryce, Naranker Dulay: Dynamic Architectures and Architectural Styles for Distributed Program. FTDCS 1999: 89-94
1EENat Pryce, Steve Crane: A Model of Interaction in Concurrent and Distributed Systems. ESPRIT ARES Workshop 1998: 57-65

Coauthor Index

1Steve Crane [1]
2Naranker Dulay [2] [8]
3Steve Freeman [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Dimitra Giannakopoulou [3]
5Sye Loong Keoh [8]
6Joshua Kerievsky [7]
7Jeff Kramer [3]
8Emil C. Lupu (Emil Lupu) [8]
9Tim Mackinnon [4] [5]
10Jeff Magee (Jeff N. Magee) [3]
11Morris Sloman [8]
12Joe Walnes [4] [5]
13Yanmin Zhu [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)