
Thierry Le Provost

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6 Mark Wallace, Stéphane Bressan, Thierry Le Provost: Magic Checking: Constraint Checking for Database Query Optimization. CDB 1995: 148-166
5 Thierry Le Provost, Mark Wallace: Generalized Constraint Propagation over the CLP Scheme. J. Log. Program. 16(3): 319-359 (1993)
4 Thierry Le Provost, Mark Wallace: Domain Independent Propagation. FGCS 1992: 1004-1011
3 Mark Wallace, Thierry Le Provost: CHIP and Propia. LPAR 1992: 507-509
2 Thom W. Frühwirth, Alexander Herold, Volker Küchenhoff, Thierry Le Provost, Pierre Lim, Eric Monfroy, Mark Wallace: Contraint Logic Programming - An Informal Introduction. Logic Programming Summer School 1992: 3-35
1 Pascal Van Hentenryck, Thierry Le Provost: Incremental Search in Constraint Logic Programming. New Generation Comput. 9(3/4): 257-276 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Stéphane Bressan [6]
2Thom W. Frühwirth [2]
3Pascal Van Hentenryck [1]
4Alexander Herold [2]
5Volker Küchenhoff [2]
6Pierre Lim [2]
7Eric Monfroy [2]
8Mark Wallace [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)