
Joseph A. Profeta III

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5 Jean Arlat, Nobuyasu Kanekawa, Arturo M. Amendola, Jean-Luis Dufour, Yuji Hirao, Joseph A. Profeta III: Dependability of Railway Control Systems. FTCS 1996: 150-155
4 Joseph A. Profeta III, Nikos P. Andrianos, Bing Yu, Barry W. Johnson, Todd A. DeLong, David Guaspari, Damir Jamsek: Safety-Critical Systems Built with COTS. IEEE Computer 29(11): 54-60 (1996)
3EETodd A. DeLong, Barry W. Johnson, Joseph A. Profeta III: A Fault Injection Technique for VHDL Behavioral-Level Models. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 13(4): 24-33 (1996)
2 D. Todd Smith, Barry W. Johnson, Joseph A. Profeta III: System Dependability Evaluation via a Fault List Generation Algorithm. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(8): 974-979 (1996)
1 Wei Wang, Kishor S. Trivedi, Babubhai V. Shah, Joseph A. Profeta III: The Impact of Fault Expansion on the Interval Estimate for Fault Detection Coverage. FTCS 1994: 330-337

Coauthor Index

1Arturo M. Amendola [5]
2Nikos P. Andrianos [4]
3Jean Arlat [5]
4Todd A. DeLong [3] [4]
5Jean-Luis Dufour [5]
6David Guaspari [4]
7Yuji Hirao [5]
8Damir Jamsek [4]
9Barry W. Johnson [2] [3] [4]
10Nobuyasu Kanekawa [5]
11Babubhai V. Shah [1]
12D. Todd Smith [2]
13Kishor S. Trivedi [1]
14Wei Wang [1]
15Bing Yu [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)