
Caroline Prodhon

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7EECaroline Prodhon, Demetrio Macías, Farouk Yalaoui, Alexandre Vial, Lionel Amodeo: Evolutionary Optimization for Plasmon-Assisted Lithography. EvoWorkshops 2009: 420-425
6EECaroline Prodhon, Christian Prins: A Memetic Algorithm with Population Management (MA|PM) for the Periodic Location-Routing Problem. Hybrid Metaheuristics 2008: 43-57
5EECaroline Prodhon: A Metaheuristic for the Periodic Location-Routing Problem. OR 2007: 159-164
4EECaroline Prodhon: Solving the capacitated location-routing problem. 4OR 5(4): 339-342 (2007)
3EEChristian Prins, Caroline Prodhon, Roberto Wolfler Calvo: A Memetic Algorithm with Population Management (MA|PM) for the Capacitated Location-Routing Problem. EvoCOP 2006: 183-194
2EEChristian Prins, Caroline Prodhon, Roberto Wolfler Calvo: Solving the capacitated location-routing problem by a GRASP complemented by a learning process and a path relinking. 4OR 4(3): 221-238 (2006)
1EEChristian Prins, Caroline Prodhon, Roberto Wolfler Calvo: Two-phase method and Lagrangian relaxation to solve the Bi-Objective Set Covering Problem. Annals OR 147(1): 23-41 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Lionel Amodeo [7]
2Roberto Wolfler Calvo [1] [2] [3]
3Demetrio Macías [7]
4Christian Prins [1] [2] [3] [6]
5Alexandre Vial [7]
6Farouk Yalaoui [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)