
Erich Prisner

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25EEErich Prisner: Generalizing the Wolf-Goat-Cabbage Problem. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 27: 83 (2006)
24EERoger Labahn, Arthur L. Liestman, Erich Prisner: Preface. Discrete Applied Mathematics 137(2): 125-126 (2004)
23EEFedor V. Fomin, Martín Matamala, Erich Prisner, Ivan Rapaport: AT-free graphs: linear bounds for the oriented diameter. Discrete Applied Mathematics 141(1-3): 135-148 (2004)
22EEErich Prisner: k-Pseudosnakes in n-dimensional Hypercubes. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 17: 237-240 (2004)
21EEErich Prisner: The recognition problem for line bigraphs. Discrete Mathematics 268(1-3): 243-256 (2003)
20EEMartín Matamala, Erich Prisner, Ivan Rapaport: k-pseudosnakes in Large Grids. LATIN 2002: 224-235
19EEErich Prisner: Eulerian iterated line graphs and digraphs. Discrete Mathematics 236(1-3): 315-323 (2001)
18EEFedor V. Fomin, Martín Matamala, Erich Prisner, Ivan Rapaport: Bilateral Orientations and Domination. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 7: 26-29 (2001)
17 Erich Prisner: A Note of k-Rotation Graphs. Ars Comb. 55: (2000)
16EEErich Prisner: Bicliques in Graphs I: Bounds on Their Number. Combinatorica 20(1): 109-117 (2000)
15EEErich Prisner: Recognizing k-path Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 99(1-3): 169-181 (2000)
14EEErich Prisner: Eccentricity-approximating trees in chordal graphs. Discrete Mathematics 220(1-3): 263-269 (2000)
13EEErich Prisner: Recognizing random intersection graphs. Discrete Mathematics 223(1-3): 263-274 (2000)
12EEEric Goles Ch., Erich Prisner: Source reversal and chip firing on graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 233(1-2): 287-295 (2000)
11EEErich Prisner, Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter: Recognizing Clique Graphs of Directed and Rooted Path Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 94(1-3): 321-328 (1999)
10EEErich Prisner: Generalized octahedra and cliques in intersection graphs of uniform hypergraphs. Discrete Mathematics 206(1-3): 187-195 (1999)
9 Erich Prisner: Distance Approximating Spanning Trees. STACS 1997: 499-510
8 Erich Prisner: Bicliques in Graphs II: Recognizing k-Path Graphs and Underlying Graphs of Line Digraphs. WG 1997: 273-287
7EEErich Prisner: Radius versus diameter in cocomparability and intersection graphs. Discrete Mathematics 163(1-3): 109-117 (1997)
6EEErich Prisner: Clique Covering and Clique Partition in Generalizations of Line Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 56(1): 93-98 (1995)
5EEErich Prisner: Algorithms for Interval Catch Digraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 51(1-2): 147-157 (1994)
4EEJørgen Bang-Jensen, Jing Huang, Erich Prisner: In-Tournament Digraphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 59(2): 267-287 (1993)
3EEErich Prisner: Convergence of iterated clique graphs. Discrete Mathematics 103(2): 199-207 (1992)
2EEHans-Jürgen Bandelt, Erich Prisner: Clique graphs and Helly graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 51(1): 34-45 (1991)
1EEErich Prisner: A characterization of interval catch digraphs. Discrete Mathematics 73(3): 285-289 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Hans-Jürgen Bandelt [2]
2Jørgen Bang-Jensen [4]
3Eric Goles Ch. [12]
4Fedor V. Fomin [18] [23]
5Jing Huang [4]
6Roger Labahn [24]
7Arthur L. Liestman [24]
8Martín Matamala [18] [20] [23]
9Ivan Rapaport [18] [20] [23]
10Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)