
Alan R. Prince

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9EEAlan R. Prince: Pure partial planes of order 6 with 25 lines. Des. Codes Cryptography 52(2): 243-247 (2009)
8EEAlan R. Prince: Further translation planes of order 192 admitting SL(2, 5), obtained by nest replacement. Des. Codes Cryptography 48(3): 263-267 (2008)
7EEAlan R. Prince: A translation plane of order 192 admitting SL(2, 5), obtained by 12-nest replacement. Des. Codes Cryptography 44(1-3): 25-30 (2007)
6EEAlan R. Prince: Covering sets of spreads in PG(3, q). Discrete Mathematics 238(1-3): 131-136 (2001)
5 Alan R. Prince: Flag-Transitive Affine Planes of Order 64. Des. Codes Cryptography 18(1/3): 217-221 (1999)
4EEAlan R. Prince: Projective planes of order 12 and PG(3, 3). Discrete Mathematics 208-209: 477-483 (1999)
3EEAlan R. Prince: The Cyclic Parallelisms of PG(3, 5). Eur. J. Comb. 19(5): 613-616 (1998)
2EEAlan R. Prince: Oval configurations of involutions in symmetric groups. Discrete Mathematics 174(1-3): 277-282 (1997)
1EEAlan R. Prince: The commutative ring of a symmetric design. Discrete Mathematics 80(1): 101-103 (1990)

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