
Oscar J. Prieto

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3EECarlos J. Alonso, Oscar J. Prieto, Juan José Rodríguez, Aníbal Bregón, Belarmino Pulido Junquera: Stacking Dynamic Time Warping for the Diagnosis of Dynamic Systems. CAEPIA 2007: 11-20
2 Oscar J. Prieto, Aníbal Bregón: A comparison of two machine-learning techniques to focus the diagnosis task. STAIRS 2006: 265-266
1EEJuan José Rodríguez, Carlos J. Alonso, Oscar J. Prieto: Bias and Variance of Rotation-Based Ensembles. IWANN 2005: 779-786

Coauthor Index

1Carlos J. Alonso [1] [3]
2Aníbal Bregón [2] [3]
3Belarmino Pulido Junquera [3]
4Juan José Rodríguez [1] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)