
Graham Priest

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7 Graham Priest: On Alternative Geometries, Arithmetics, and Logics; a Tribute to [Lstrok]ukasiewicz. Studia Logica 74(3): 441-468 (2003)
6 Graham Priest: Inconsistent Models of Arithmetic Part II: The General Case. J. Symb. Log. 65(4): 1519-1529 (2000)
5 Graham Priest: The Trivial Object and the Non-Triviality of a Semantically Closed Theory with Descriptions. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 8(1-2): (1998)
4 Graham Priest: Impossible Worlds - Editor's Introduction. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38(4): 481-487 (1997)
3 Graham Priest: Sylvan's Box: a Short Story and Ten Morals. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38(4): 573-582 (1997)
2 Graham Priest: Intensional Paradoxes. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 32(2): 193-211 (1991)
1 Graham Priest: Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Perth, 1983. J. Symb. Log. 49(4): 1426-1429 (1984)

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