
Davy Preuveneers

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14EEDavy Preuveneers, Yolande Berbers: Mobile phones assisting with health self-care: a diabetes case study. Mobile HCI 2008: 177-186
13EEDavy Preuveneers, Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar, Yolande Berbers: Architectural styles for opportunistic mobile communication: requirements and design patterns. Mobility Conference 2008: 44
12EEAnsar-Ul-Haque Yasar, Davy Preuveneers, Yolande Berbers: Adaptive context mediation in dynamic and large scale vehicular networks using relevance backpropagation. Mobility Conference 2008: 81
11EEDavy Preuveneers, Yolande Berbers: Pervasive Services on the Move: Smart Service Diffusion on the OSGi Framework. UIC 2008: 46-60
10EEDavy Preuveneers, Yolande Berbers: Encoding Semantic Awareness in Resource-Constrained Devices. IEEE Intelligent Systems 23(2): 26-33 (2008)
9EESonia Ben Mokhtar, Davy Preuveneers, Nikolaos Georgantas, Valérie Issarny, Yolande Berbers: EASY: Efficient semAntic Service discoverY in pervasive computing environments with QoS and context support. Journal of Systems and Software 81(5): 785-808 (2008)
8EEDavy Preuveneers, Julien Pauty, Dimitri Van Landuyt, Yolande Berbers, Wouter Joosen: Comparative Evaluation of Converged Service-Oriented Architectures. AINA Workshops (1) 2007: 989-994
7EEDavy Preuveneers, Yolande Berbers: Architectural Backpropagation Support for Managing Ambiguous Context in Smart Environments. HCI (6) 2007: 178-187
6EEDavy Preuveneers, Yolande Berbers: Towards context-aware and resource-driven self-adaptation for mobile handheld applications. SAC 2007: 1165-1170
5EEDavy Preuveneers, Yolande Berbers: Multi-dimensional Dependency and Conflict Resolution for Self-adaptable Context-aware Systems. ICAS 2006: 36
4EEBert Vanhooff, Davy Preuveneers, Yolande Berbers: .NET Remoting and Web Services: A Lightweight Bridge between the .NET By. Journal of Object Technology 5(3): 59-81 (2006)
3EEDavy Preuveneers, Yolande Berbers: Adaptive Context Management Using a Component-Based Approach. DAIS 2005: 14-26
2EEDavy Preuveneers, Jan Van den Bergh, Dennis Wagelaar, Andy Georges, Peter Rigole, Tim Clerckx, Yolande Berbers, Karin Coninx, Viviane Jonckers, Koen De Bosschere: Towards an Extensible Context Ontology for Ambient Intelligence. EUSAI 2004: 148-159
1 Davy Preuveneers, Yolande Berbers: Suitability of Existing Service Discovery Protocols for Mobile Users in an Ambient Intelligence Environment. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2004: 760-766

Coauthor Index

1Yolande Berbers [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
2Jan Van den Bergh [2]
3Koen De Bosschere (Koenraad De Bosschere) [2]
4Tim Clerckx [2]
5Karin Coninx [2]
6Nikolaos Georgantas [9]
7Andy Georges [2]
8Valérie Issarny [9]
9Viviane Jonckers [2]
10Wouter Joosen [8]
11Dimitri Van Landuyt [8]
12Sonia Ben Mokhtar [9]
13Julien Pauty [8]
14Peter Rigole [2]
15Bert Vanhooff [4]
16Dennis Wagelaar [2]
17Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar [12] [13]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)