
Kendall Preston Jr.

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8EELawrence M. Firestone, Kendall Preston Jr., Bharat N. Nathwani: Continuous class pattern recognition for pathology, with applications to non-hodgkin's follicular lymphomas. Pattern Recognition 29(12): 2061-2078 (1996)
7EEKendall Preston Jr.: New Architectures for Vision. MVA 1992: 1-10
6EEKendall Preston Jr.: Three-dimensional mathematical morphology. Image Vision Comput. 9(5): 285-295 (1991)
5 Kendall Preston Jr.: The Abingdon Cross Benchmark Survey. IEEE Computer 22(7): 9-18 (1989)
4EEKimberly Jyl Hafford, Kendall Preston Jr.: Three-dimensional skeletonization of elongated solids. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 27(1): 78-91 (1984)
3 Kendall Preston Jr., Lawrence M. Fagan, H. K. Huang, Thomas A. Pryor: Computing in Medicine. IEEE Computer 17(10): 294-313 (1984)
2 J. M. Herron, J. Farley, Kendall Preston Jr., H. Sellner: A General-Purpose High-Speed Logical Transform Image Processor. IEEE Trans. Computers 31(8): 795-800 (1982)
1EEKendall Preston Jr.: Tissue section analysis: Feature selection and image processing. Pattern Recognition 13(1): 17-36 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Lawrence M. Fagan [3]
2J. Farley [2]
3Lawrence M. Firestone [8]
4Kimberly Jyl Hafford [4]
5J. M. Herron [2]
6H. K. Huang [3]
7Bharat N. Nathwani [8]
8Thomas A. Pryor [3]
9H. Sellner [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)