
Letizia Lo Presti

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10EEDaniele Borio, Laura Camoriano, Letizia Lo Presti, Marina Mondin: Beamforming and Synchronization Algorithms Integration for OFDM HAP-Based Communications. IJWIN 13(1): 43-57 (2006)
9EEMarina Mondin, Letizia Lo Presti, Alessandro Scova: A software radio-based reconfigurable transponder for space applications. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2(8): 839-845 (2002)
8EEEnrico Magli, Gabriella Olmo, Letizia Lo Presti: On-board selection of relevant images: an application to linear feature recognition. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10(4): 543-553 (2001)
7EEGabriella Olmo, Enrico Magli, Letizia Lo Presti: Joint statistical signal detection and estimation. Part I: Theoretical aspects of the problem. Signal Processing 80(1): 57-73 (2000)
6EELetizia Lo Presti, Gabriella Olmo, Davide Bosetto: Turbo estimation algorithms: general principles, and applications to modal analysis. Signal Processing 80(12): 2567-2578 (2000)
5EEGabriella Olmo, F. Laterza, Letizia Lo Presti: Matched wavelet approach in stretching analysis of electrically evoked surface EMG signal. Signal Processing 80(4): 671-684 (2000)
4EEEnrico Magli, Gabriella Olmo, Letizia Lo Presti: Joint statistical signal detection and estimation. Part II: a high-performance closed-loop technique. Signal Processing 80(5): 773-786 (2000)
3 Lorenzo Galleani, Mario Biey, Marco Gilli, Letizia Lo Presti: Analysis of chaotic signals in the time-frequency plane. NSIP 1999: 100-104
2 Lorenzo Galleani, Letizia Lo Presti: A method for nonlinear system classification in the time-frequency plane in presence of fractal noise. NSIP 1999: 149-153
1 Letizia Lo Presti: A Method of Simulating Filter Distortions in a Telecommunication System. IMACS European Simulation Meeting 1984: 193-199

Coauthor Index

1Mario Biey [3]
2Daniele Borio [10]
3Davide Bosetto [6]
4Laura Camoriano [10]
5Lorenzo Galleani [2] [3]
6Marco Gilli [3]
7F. Laterza [5]
8Enrico Magli [4] [7] [8]
9Marina Mondin [9] [10]
10Gabriella Olmo [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
11Alessandro Scova [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)