
Susanne Prediger

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7EESusanne Prediger: Formal Concept Analysis for General Objects. Discrete Applied Mathematics 127(2): 337-355 (2003)
6 Susanne Prediger: Nested Concept Graphs and Triadic Power Context Families. ICCS 2000: 249-262
5 Susanne Prediger, Rudolf Wille: The Lattice of Concept Graphs of a Relationally Scaled Context. ICCS 1999: 401-414
4EESusanne Prediger, Gerd Stumme: Theory-driven Logical Scaling: Conceptual Information Systems meet Description Logics. KRDB 1999: 46-49
3EESusanne Prediger: Formal concept analysis for general objects. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 2: 76-93 (1999)
2EESusanne Prediger: Simple Concept Graphs: A Logic Approach. ICCS 1998: 225-239
1 Susanne Prediger: Logical Scaling in Formal Concept Analysis. ICCS 1997: 332-341

Coauthor Index

1Gerd Stumme [4]
2Rudolf Wille [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)