
Rohit Prasad

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7EERohit Prasad, Shirin Saleem, Matin Kamali, Ralf Meermeier, Premkumar Natarajan: Improvements in hidden Markov model based Arabic OCR. ICPR 2008: 1-4
6EEHuaigu Cao, Rohit Prasad, Premkumar Natarajan, Ehry MacRostie: Robust Page Segmentation Based on Smearing and Error Correction Unifying Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches. ICDAR 2007: 392-396
5EEPremkumar Natarajan, Rohit Prasad, Krishna Subramanian, Shirin Saleem, Fred Choi, Richard M. Schwartz: Finding structure in noisy text: topic classification and unsupervised clustering. IJDAR 10(3-4): 187-198 (2007)
4EESpyridon Matsoukas, Jean-Luc Gauvain, Gilles Adda, T. Colthurst, Chia-Lin Kao, Owen Kimball, Lori Lamel, Fabrice Lefevre, J. Z. Ma, John Makhoul, Long Nguyen, Rohit Prasad, Richard M. Schwartz, Holger Schwenk, Bing Xiang: Advances in transcription of broadcast news and conversational telephone speech within the combined EARS BBN/LIMSI system. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(5): 1541-1556 (2006)
3EEPremkumar Natarajan, Ram Sundaram, Rohit Prasad, Ehry MacRostie: Character Duration Modeling for Speed Improvements in the BBN Byblos OCR System. ICDAR 2005: 1136-1140
2EEMichael Decerbo, Premkumar Natarajan, Rohit Prasad, Ehry MacRostie: Performance Improvements to the BBN Byblos OCR System. ICDAR 2005: 411-415
1EEEhry MacRostie, Premkumar Natarajan, Michael Decerbo, Rohit Prasad: The BBN Byblos Japanese OCR System. ICPR (2) 2004: 650-653

Coauthor Index

1Gilles Adda [4]
2Huaigu Cao [6]
3Fred Choi [5]
4T. Colthurst [4]
5Michael Decerbo [1] [2]
6Jean-Luc Gauvain [4]
7Matin Kamali [7]
8Chia-Lin Kao [4]
9Owen Kimball [4]
10Lori Lamel [4]
11Fabrice Lefevre [4]
12J. Z. Ma [4]
13Ehry MacRostie [1] [2] [3] [6]
14John Makhoul [4]
15Spyridon Matsoukas [4]
16Ralf Meermeier [7]
17Premkumar Natarajan [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7]
18Long Nguyen [4]
19Shirin Saleem [5] [7]
20Richard M. Schwartz [4] [5]
21Holger Schwenk [4]
22Krishna Subramanian [5]
23Ram Sundaram [3]
24Bing Xiang [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)