
Makan Pourzandi

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14EESegla Kpodjedo, Samuel Pierre, Makan Pourzandi: Reputation based trust management using TCG in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (RTA). LCN 2008: 518-519
13EEArpan Darivemula, Chokchai Leangsuksun, Anand Tikotekar, Makan Pourzandi: Work in Progress: RASS Framework for a Cluster-Aware SELinux. CCGRID 2006: 29
12EEPeter Badovinatz, Santosh Balakrishnan, Makan Pourzandi, Manfred Reitenspieß, Chad Tindel: The Service Availability Forum Security Service (SEC): Status and Future Directions. ISAS 2006: 271-287
11EEReinaldo Matushima, Yeda R. Venturini, Rony R. M. Sakuragui, Tereza Cristina M. B. Carvalho, Wilson Vicente Ruggiero, Mats Näslund, Makan Pourzandi: Multiple personal security domains. IWCMC 2006: 361-366
10EEChokchai Leangsuksun, Anand Tikotekar, Makan Pourzandi, Ibrahim Haddad: Feasibility study and early experimental results towards cluster survivability. CCGRID 2005: 77-81
9EEMakan Pourzandi, David Gordon, William Yurcik, Gregory A. Koenig: Clusters and security: distributed security for distributed systems. CCGRID 2005: 96-104
8EEMichel Dagenais, Karim Yaghmour, Charles Levert, Makan Pourzandi: Software Performance Analysis CoRR abs/cs/0507073: (2005)
7EEAxelle Apvrille, Makan Pourzandi: Secure Software Development by Example. IEEE Security & Privacy 3(4): 10-17 (2005)
6EEAxelle Apvrille, David Gordon, Serge E. Hallyn, Makan Pourzandi, Vincent Roy: DigSig: Runtime Authentication of Binaries at Kernel Level. LISA 2004: 59-66
5EEMarc Chatel, Michel Dagenais, Charles Levert, Makan Pourzandi: Security in Carrier Class Server Applications for All-IP Networks CoRR abs/cs/0412039: (2004)
4EEAxelle Apvrille, Makan Pourzandi: XML distributed security policy for clusters. Computers & Security 23(8): 649-658 (2004)
3 Makan Pourzandi, Axelle Apvrille, E. Gingras, A. Medenou, David Gordon: Distributed Access Control for Carrier Class Clusters. PDPTA 2003: 132-137
2EEMakan Pourzandi, Ibrahim Haddad, Charles Levert, Miroslaw Zakrzewski, Michel Dagenais: A New Architecture for Secure Carrier-Class Clusters. CLUSTER 2002: 494-498
1 V. Demian, Frederic Desprez, Hélène Paugam-Moisy, Makan Pourzandi: Parallel Implementation of RBF Neural Networks. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 243-250

Coauthor Index

1Axelle Apvrille [3] [4] [6] [7]
2Peter Badovinatz [12]
3Santosh Balakrishnan [12]
4Tereza Cristina M. B. Carvalho [11]
5Marc Chatel [5]
6Michel Dagenais [2] [5] [8]
7Arpan Darivemula [13]
8V. Demian [1]
9Frédéric Desprez (Frederic Desprez) [1]
10E. Gingras [3]
11David Gordon [3] [6] [9]
12Ibrahim Haddad [2] [10]
13Serge E. Hallyn [6]
14Gregory A. Koenig [9]
15Segla Kpodjedo [14]
16Chokchai Leangsuksun (Box Leangsuksun) [10] [13]
17Charles Levert [2] [5] [8]
18Reinaldo Matushima [11]
19A. Medenou [3]
20Mats Näslund [11]
21Hélène Paugam-Moisy [1]
22Samuel Pierre [14]
23Manfred Reitenspieß [12]
24Vincent Roy [6]
25Wilson Vicente Ruggiero [11]
26Rony R. M. Sakuragui [11]
27Anand Tikotekar [10] [13]
28Chad Tindel [12]
29Yeda R. Venturini [11]
30Karim Yaghmour [8]
31William Yurcik [9]
32Miroslaw Zakrzewski [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)