
Victor Poupet

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8 Victor Poupet: Translating partitioned cellular automata into classical type cellular automata. JAC 2008: 130-140
7EEVictor Poupet: A Padding Technique on Cellular Automata to Transfer Inclusions of Complexity Classes. CSR 2007: 337-348
6EEMartin Delacourt, Victor Poupet: Real Time Language Recognition on 2D Cellular Automata: Dealing with Non-convex Neighborhoods. MFCS 2007: 298-309
5EEVictor Poupet: Cellular Automata: Real-Time Equivalence between One-Dimensional Neighborhoods. Theory Comput. Syst. 40(4): 409-421 (2007)
4EELaurent Boyer, Victor Poupet, Guillaume Theyssier: On the Complexity of Limit Sets of Cellular Automata Associated with Probability Measures. MFCS 2006: 190-201
3EELaurent Boyer, Victor Poupet, Guillaume Theyssier: On the Complexity of Limit Sets of Cellular Automata Associated with Probability Measures CoRR abs/cs/0604007: (2006)
2EEVictor Poupet: Cellular Automata: Real-Time Equivalence Between One-Dimensional Neighborhoods. STACS 2005: 133-144
1EEVictor Poupet: Simulating 3D Cellular Automata with 2D Cellular Automata. MFCS 2004: 439-450

Coauthor Index

1Laurent Boyer [3] [4]
2Martin Delacourt [6]
3Guillaume Theyssier [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)