
Chris Pounder

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19 Chris Pounder: A tangled Web of libel lies? Computers & Security 22(1): 34-37 (2003)
18 Chris Pounder: Security with unfortunate side effect. Computers & Security 22(2): 115-118 (2003)
17EEChris Pounder: Governments act to improve security. Computers & Security 22(3): 207-211 (2003)
16 Chris Pounder: Anti-Terrorism Legislation: The Impact on The Processing of Data. Computers & Security 21(3): 240-245 (2002)
15 Chris Pounder: The emergence of a comprehensive obligation towards computer security. Computers & Security 21(4): 328-332 (2002)
14 Chris Pounder: The US's National Strategy for Homeland Security. Computers & Security 21(6): 503-505 (2002)
13 Chris Pounder: Security policy update. Computers & Security 21(7): 620-623 (2002)
12 Chris Pounder: Cyber crime: the backdrop to the Council of Europe Convention. Computers & Security 20(4): 311-315 (2001)
11 Chris Pounder: The Council of Europe Cyber-Crime Convention. Computers & Security 20(5): 380-383 (2001)
10 Chris Pounder: The European Union Proposal for a Policy Towards Network and Information Security. Computers & Security 20(7): 573-576 (2001)
9EEChris Pounder: An initial plan of action for compliance with the UK's Data Protection Act 1998. Computers & Security 18(1): 23-27 (1999)
8EEChris Pounder: The revised version of BS7799 - so what's new? Computers & Security 18(4): 307-311 (1999)
7EEChris Pounder: Homeworking: No longer an easy option? Computers & Security 17(1): 27-30 (1998)
6EEChris Pounder: Security and the new Data Protection law. Computers & Security 17(2): 124-128 (1998)
5EEChris Pounder: Further developments in the field of encryption and digital signatures. Computers & Security 17(4): 308-312 (1998)
4EEChris Pounder: European commission takes action to secure the internet. Computers & Security 17(5): 392-396 (1998)
3EEChris Pounder: The Annual Report of the UK Data Protection Registrar. Computers & Security 17(6): 479-482 (1998)
2EEChris Pounder: First steps towards a european union policy on the securing of electronic communications. Computers & Security 16(7): 590-594 (1997)
1EEChris Pounder, Freddy Kosten: Year 2000: A Date with Destiny? Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1997(3): (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Freddy Kosten [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)