
Claude Pouchan

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5EEAhmed Dkhissi, Jean Marie Ducéré, Ralf Blossey, Claude Pouchan: Can the hybrid meta GGA and DFT-D methods describe the stacking interactions in conjugated polymers? Journal of Computational Chemistry 30(8): 1179-1184 (2009)
4EEDidier Bégué, Claude Pouchan: Vibrational anharmonic calculations in solution: Performance of various DFT approaches. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(8): 1456-1462 (2007)
3EEPhilippe Carbonniere, Tecla Lucca, Claude Pouchan, Nadia Rega, Vincenzo Barone: Vibrational computations beyond the harmonic approximation: Performances of the B3LYP density functional for semirigid molecules. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(4): 384-388 (2005)
2EENeil Gohaud, Didier Bégué, Clovis Darrigan, Claude Pouchan: New parallel software (P_Anhar) for anharmonic vibrational calculations: Application to (CH3Li)2. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(7): 743-754 (2005)
1EEDidier Bégué, Claude Pouchan: Density functional finite cluster method for polarizability of large BeN three-dimensional systems. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(2): 230-240 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Vincenzo Barone [3]
2Didier Bégué [1] [2] [4]
3Ralf Blossey [5]
4Philippe Carbonniere [3]
5Clovis Darrigan [2]
6Ahmed Dkhissi [5]
7Jean Marie Ducéré [5]
8Neil Gohaud [2]
9Tecla Lucca [3]
10Nadia Rega [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)