
Bozidar Potocnik

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9EEBozidar Potocnik, Mitja Lenic: Fast and Intelligent Determination of Image Segmentation Method Parameters. New Directions in Intelligent Interactive Multimedia 2008: 107-115
8EEMitja Lenic, Boris Cigale, Bozidar Potocnik, Damjan Zazula: Fast Segmentation of Ovarian Ultrasound Volumes Using Support Vector Machines and Sparse Learning Sets. New Directions in Intelligent Interactive Multimedia 2008: 95-105
7EEBozidar Potocnik, Dusan Heric, Damjan Zazula, Boris Cigale, Daniel Bernad: Construction of Patient Specific Virtual Models of Medical Phenomena. Informatica (Slovenia) 29(2): 209-218 (2005)
6EEBozidar Potocnik, Damjan Zazula: Improved prediction-based ovarian follicle detection from a sequence of ultrasound images. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 70(3): 199-213 (2003)
5EEBozidar Potocnik, Boris Cigale, Damjan Zazula: The XUltra project - Automated Analysis of Ovarian Ultrasound Images. CBMS 2002: 262-
4EEBozidar Potocnik, Damjan Zazula: Automated analysis of a sequence of ovarian ultrasound images. Part I: segmentation of single 2D images. Image Vision Comput. 20(3): 217-225 (2002)
3EEBozidar Potocnik, Damjan Zazula: Automated analysis of a sequence of ovarian ultrasound images. Part II: prediction-based object recognition from a sequence of images. Image Vision Comput. 20(3): 227-235 (2002)
2 Damjan Zazula, Bogdan Viher, Dean Korosec, Enis Avdicausevic, Mitja Lenic, Bozidar Potocnik: Conceptual Interactive Learning Tools Based on Computer Simulators. Informatica (Slovenia) 23(3): (1999)
1EEBozidar Potocnik, Damjan Zazula, Danilo Korze: Automated computer-assisted detection of follicles in ultrasound images of ovary. CBMS 1997: 16-21

Coauthor Index

1Enis Avdicausevic [2]
2Daniel Bernad [7]
3Boris Cigale [5] [7] [8]
4Dusan Heric [7]
5Dean Korosec [2]
6Danilo Korze [1]
7Mitja Lenic [2] [8] [9]
8Bogdan Viher [2]
9Damjan Zazula [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)