2006 |
18 | EE | Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
On PreemptiveResource Constrained Scheduling: Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 20(3): 545-563 (2006) |
2005 |
17 | EE | Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
General Multiprocessor Task Scheduling: Approximate Solutions in Linear Time.
SIAM J. Comput. 35(3): 519-530 (2005) |
2004 |
16 | EE | Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
Preemptive Scheduling with Dedicated Processors: Applications of Fractional Graph Coloring.
J. Scheduling 7(1): 35-48 (2004) |
2003 |
15 | EE | Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
Computing optimal preemptive schedules for parallel tasks: linear programming approaches.
Math. Program. 95(3): 617-630 (2003) |
2002 |
14 | EE | Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
On Preemptive Resource Constrained Scheduling: Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes.
IPCO 2002: 329-349 |
13 | EE | Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
Linear-Time Approximation Schemes for Scheduling Malleable Parallel Tasks.
Algorithmica 32(3): 507-520 (2002) |
12 | EE | Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
Polynomial time approximation schemes for general multiprocessor job shop scheduling.
J. Algorithms 45(2): 167-191 (2002) |
2001 |
11 | EE | Aleksei V. Fishkin,
Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
On Minimizing Average Weighted Completion Time: A PTAS for Scheduling General Multiprocessor Tasks.
FCT 2001: 495-507 |
10 | EE | Aleksei V. Fishkin,
Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
On Minimizing Average Weighted Completion Time of Multiprocessor Tasks with Release Dates.
ICALP 2001: 875-886 |
9 | EE | Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
Improved Approximation Schemes for Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines.
Math. Oper. Res. 26(2): 324-338 (2001) |
2000 |
8 | EE | Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
Polynominal Time Approximation Schemes for General Multiprocessor Job Shop Scheduling.
ICALP 2000: 878-889 |
7 | EE | Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
Preemptive Parallel Task Scheduling in O(n)+Poly(m) Time.
ISAAC 2000: 398-409 |
6 | EE | Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
Preemptive Scheduling on Dedicated Processors: Applications of Fractional Graph Coloring.
MFCS 2000: 446-455 |
5 | EE | Leonid Khachiyan,
Lorant Porkolab:
Integer Optimization on Convex Semialgebraic Sets.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 23(2): 207-224 (2000) |
1999 |
4 | EE | Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
Linear-Time Approximation Schemes for Scheduling Malleable Parallel Tasks.
SODA 1999: 490-498 |
3 | EE | Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
Improved Approximation Schemes for Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines.
STOC 1999: 408-417 |
2 | EE | Klaus Jansen,
Lorant Porkolab:
General Multiprocessor Task Scheduling: Approximate Solutions in Linear Time.
WADS 1999: 110-121 |
1997 |
1 | EE | Leonid Khachiyan,
Lorant Porkolab:
Computing Integral Points in Convex Semi-algebraic Sets.
FOCS 1997: 162-171 |