
Danny Chiang Choon Poo

Danny C. C. Poo

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28EENaresh Kumar Agarwal, Danny C. C. Poo: Capturing tacit knowledge across different domains: Knowledge Community (K-Comm). IJBIS 3(6): 668-685 (2008)
27EENaresh Kumar Agarwal, Danny C. C. Poo: HCI and Information Search: Capturing Task and Searcher Characteristics Through 'User Ability to Specify Information Need'. HCI (8) 2007: 373-382
26EENaresh Kumar Agarwal, Danny C. C. Poo, Teo Keng Yong: Component-based Development of MILLS: A Case Study in the development of an Inter-library Loan Software System. APSEC 2006: 37-44
25EENaresh Kumar Agarwal, Danny C. C. Poo: Making sense of an Electronic Document - Visualization Strategies for Concept Presentation. EDOC Workshops 2006: 56
24EENaresh Kumar Agarwal, Danny C. C. Poo: Meeting knowledge management challenges through effective search. IJBIS 1(3): 292-309 (2006)
23EEMin-Yen Kan, Danny C. C. Poo: Detecting and supporting known item queries in online public access catalogs. JCDL 2005: 91-99
22EEDanny Chiang Choon Poo, Isaac K. C. Tan: Design of an Automatic Annotation Framework for Corporate Web Content. APSEC 2004: 384-391
21EEJeffry Komarjaya, Danny C. C. Poo, Min-Yen Kan: Corpus-Based Query Expansion in Online Public Access Catalogs. ECDL 2004: 221-231
20EEDanny Chiang Choon Poo, Brian Chng, Jie-Mein Goh: A Hybrid Approach for User Profiling. HICSS 2003: 103
19EEDanny C. C. Poo, Teck-Kang Toh, Christopher S. G. Khoo: Design and Implementation of the E-Referencer. Data Knowl. Eng. 32(2): 199-218 (2000)
18EEDanny Chiang Choon Poo, Teck-Kang Toh, Christopher S. G. Khoo: Enhancing online catalog searches with an electronic referencer. Journal of Systems and Software 55(2): 203-219 (2000)
17EEDanny C. C. Poo, Teck-Kang Toh, Christopher S. G. Khoo, Glenn Hong: Development of an Intelligent Web Interface to Online Library Catalog Databases. APSEC 1999: 64-71
16EEDanny C. C. Poo, Teck-Kang Toh, Christopher S. G. Khoo: Search Interface for Z39.50 Compliant CS Stores over the Internet. HICSS 1999
15EEDanny C. C. Poo: Events in Use Cases as a Basis for Identifying and Specifying Classes and Business Rules. TOOLS (29) 1999: 204-213
14EEDanny C. C. Poo: Explicit Representation of Business Policies. APSEC 1998: 136-143
13EEChristopher S. G. Khoo, Danny C. C. Poo, Teck-Kang Toh, Soon-Kah Liew, Anne N. M. Goh: E-Referencer: A Prototype Expert System Web Interface to Online Catalogs. ECDL 1998: 315-333
12EEDanny C. C. Poo: Policy Definition in Application-Domain-Related Classes. TOOLS (27) 1998: 94-103
11EEDanny Chiang Choon Poo, Mui Ken Chung: Software engineering practices in Singapore. Journal of Systems and Software 41(1): 3-15 (1998)
10EEHock Chuan Chan, Danny Chiang Choon Poo, Cheng Peng Woon: An object-oriented implementation of an entity relationship model. Journal of Systems and Software 41(2): 117-125 (1998)
9EEDanny Chiang Choon Poo, Mui Ken Chung: CASE and software maintenance practices in Singapore. Journal of Systems and Software 44(2): 97-105 (1998)
8EEDanny Chiang Choon Poo, Shwu-Yi Lee: Tartan: Interweaving objects with rules in information systems development. Journal of Systems and Software 33(1): 3-14 (1996)
7 Danny Chiang Choon Poo, Shwu-Yi Lee: An Object-Oriented Systems Modelling Method based on the Jackson Approach. Comput. J. 37(8): 669-682 (1994)
6 Christopher S. G. Khoo, Danny C. C. Poo: An Expert Approach to Online Catalog Subject Searching. Inf. Process. Manage. 30(2): 223-238 (1994)
5EEDanny Chiang Choon Poo: Implementing an evolutionary structural software model. Journal of Systems and Software 22(2): 81-90 (1993)
4 Danny Chiang Choon Poo: A Framework for Software Maintenance. CAiSE 1992: 88-104
3EEDanny C. C. Poo: An Object-Oriented Software Requirements Analysis Method. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 2(1): 145-168 (1992)
2EEDanny C. C. Poo, Paul J. Layzell: An evolutionary structural model for software maintenance. Journal of Systems and Software 18(2): 113-123 (1992)
1 Danny Chiang Choon Poo: Representing Business Policies in the Jackson System Development Method. Comput. J. 34(2): 122-131 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Naresh Kumar Agarwal [24] [25] [26] [27] [28]
2Hock Chuan Chan [10]
3Brian Chng [20]
4Mui Ken Chung [9] [11]
5Anne N. M. Goh [13]
6Jie-Mein Goh [20]
7Glenn Hong [17]
8Min-Yen Kan [21] [23]
9Christopher S. G. Khoo [6] [13] [16] [17] [18] [19]
10Jeffry Komarjaya [21]
11Paul J. Layzell [2]
12Shwu-Yi Lee [7] [8]
13Soon-Kah Liew [13]
14Isaac K. C. Tan [22]
15Teck-Kang Toh [13] [16] [17] [18] [19]
16Cheng Peng Woon [10]
17Teo Keng Yong [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)