
Ilia N. Ponomarenko

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11EESergei Evdokimov, Ilia N. Ponomarenko: Circulant graphs: efficient recognizing and isomorphism testing: (extended abstract). Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 22: 7-12 (2005)
10EESergei Evdokimov, Ilia N. Ponomarenko: Two-closure of odd permutation group in polynomial time. Discrete Mathematics 235(1-3): 221-232 (2001)
9EESergei Evdokimov, Ilia N. Ponomarenko, Gottfried Tinhofer: Forestal algebras and algebraic forests (on a new class of weakly compact graphs). Discrete Mathematics 225(1-3): 149-172 (2000)
8EESergei Evdokimov, Ilia N. Ponomarenko: Separability Number and Schurity Number of Coherent Configurations. Electr. J. Comb. 7: (2000)
7EESergei Evdokimov, Ilia N. Ponomarenko: Isomorphism of Coloured Graphs with Slowly Increasing Multiplicity of Jordan Blocks. Combinatorica 19(3): 321-333 (1999)
6EESergei Evdokimov, Marek Karpinski, Ilia N. Ponomarenko: Compact cellular algebras and permutation groups. Discrete Mathematics 197-198: 247-267 (1999)
5EESergei Evdokimov, Ilia N. Ponomarenko: On Highly Closed Cellular Algebras and Highly Closed Isomorphisms. Electr. J. Comb. 6: (1999)
4 Luitpold Babel, Ilia N. Ponomarenko, Gottfried Tinhofer: The Isomorphism Problem For Directed Path Graphs and For Rooted Directed Path Graphs. J. Algorithms 21(3): 542-564 (1996)
3 Luitpold Babel, Ilia N. Ponomarenko, Gottfried Tinhofer: Direct Path Graph Isomorphism (Extended Abstract). WG 1994: 395-406
2 Ilia N. Ponomarenko: Graph Algebras and the Graph Isomorphism Problem. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 5: 277-286 (1994)
1 Ilia N. Ponomarenko: Graph Isomorphism Problem and 2-Closed Permutation Groups. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 5: 9-22 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Luitpold Babel [3] [4]
2Sergei Evdokimov [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
3Marek Karpinski [6]
4Gottfried Tinhofer [3] [4] [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)