
Andreas Pommert

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15 Andreas Pommert, Karl Heinz Höhne: A test suite for validation of volume visualization procedures. CARS 2004: 81-85
14 Andreas Pommert, Karl Heinz Höhne: Validation of medical volume visualization: a literature review. CARS 2003: 571-576
13EEAndreas Pommert, Karl Heinz Höhne: Evaluation of Image Quality in Medical Volume Visualization: The State of the Art. MICCAI (2) 2002: 598-605
12EEAndreas Pommert, Ulf Tiede, Karl Heinz Höhne: On the Accuracy of Isosurfaces in Tomographic Volume Visualization. MICCAI (2) 2002: 623-630
11 Andreas Pommert, Karl Heinz Höhne, Bernhard Pflesser, Ernst Richter, Martin Riemer, Thomas Schiemann, Udo Schumacher, Ulf Tiede: Ein realistisches dreidimensionales Modell der inneren Organe auf der Basis des Visible Human. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2001: 72-76
10 W. Arkhurst, Andreas Pommert, Ernst Richter, H. Frederking, S. I. Kim, Rainer Schubert, Karl Heinz Höhne: A virtual reality training system for pediatric sonography. CARS 2001: 483-487
9 Karl Heinz Höhne, Bernhard Pflesser, Andreas Pommert, Martin Riemer, Rainer Schubert, Thomas Schiemann, Ulf Tiede, Udo Schumacher: A Realistic Model of the Inner Organs from the Visible Human Data. MICCAI 2000: 776-785
8 Andreas Pommert, Ulf Tiede, Karl Heinz Höhne: Accuracy of Isosurfaces in Volume Visualization. VMV 2000: 365-372
7 Karl Heinz Höhne, Bernhard Pflesser, Andreas Pommert, Martin Riemer, Thomas Schiemann, Rainer Schubert, Ulf Tiede: A ``Virtual Body'' Model for Surgical Education and Rehearsal. IEEE Computer 29(1): 25-31 (1996)
6 Andreas Pommert, Martin Riemer, Thomas Schiemann, Ulf Tiede, Karl Heinz Höhne: Knowledge-Based and 3D Imaging Systems in Medical Education. IFIP Congress (2) 1994: 525-532
5EEThomas Schiemann, Karl Heinz Höhne, Henning Krämer, Andreas Pommert, Martin Riemer, Rainer Schubert, Ulf Tiede: "Intelligent volumes": a new concept for representing spatial knowledge. Pattern Recognition Letters 15(5): 519-526 (1994)
4 Rainer Schubert, Karl Heinz Höhne, Andreas Pommert, Martin Riemer, Thomas Schiemann, Ulf Tiede: Spatial Knowledge Representation for Visualization of Human Anatomy and Function. IPMI 1993: 168-181
3 Karl Heinz Höhne, Andreas Pommert, Martin Riemer, Thomas Schiemann, Rainer Schubert, Ulf Tiede, W. Lierse: Anatomical Atlases Based on Volume Visualization. IEEE Visualization 1992: 115-123
2 Andreas Pommert, Michael Bomans, Martin Riemer, Ulf Tiede, Karl Heinz Höhne: Volume Visualization in Medicine: Techniques and Applications. Focus on Scientific Visualization 1991: 41-71
1 Karl Heinz Höhne, Michael Bomans, Andreas Pommert, Martin Riemer, Carsten Schiers, Ulf Tiede, Gunnar Wiebecke: 3D Visualization of tomographic volume data using the generalized voxel model. The Visual Computer 6(1): 28-36 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1W. Arkhurst [10]
2Michael Bomans [1] [2]
3H. Frederking [10]
4Karl Heinz Höhne [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
5S. I. Kim [10]
6Henning Krämer [5]
7W. Lierse [3]
8Bernhard Pflesser [7] [9] [11]
9Ernst Richter [10] [11]
10Martin Riemer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [11]
11Thomas Schiemann [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [11]
12Carsten Schiers [1]
13Rainer Schubert [3] [4] [5] [7] [9] [10]
14Udo Schumacher [9] [11]
15Ulf Tiede [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12]
16Gunnar Wiebecke [1]

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