
Emmanuel Polonovski

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3EEEmmanuel Polonovski: Strong Normalization of lambda-mu-mu/tilde-Calculus with Explicit Substitutions. FoSSaCS 2004: 423-437
2 Roberto Di Cosmo, Delia Kesner, Emmanuel Polonovski: Proof Nets And Explicit Substitutions. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 13(3): 409-450 (2003)
1EERoberto Di Cosmo, Delia Kesner, Emmanuel Polonovski: Proof Nets and Explicit Substitutions. FoSSaCS 2000: 63-81

Coauthor Index

1Roberto Di Cosmo [1] [2]
2Delia Kesner [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)