
Robert Pollack

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11 Paul Callaghan, Zhaohui Luo, James McKinna, Robert Pollack: Types for Proofs and Programs, International Workshop, TYPES 2000, Durham, UK, December 8-12, 2000, Selected Papers Springer 2002
10EERobert Pollack: Dependently Typed Records in Type Theory. Formal Asp. Comput. 13(3-5): 386-402 (2002)
9 Robert Pollack: Dependently Typed Records for Representing Mathematical Structure. TPHOLs 2000: 462-479
8 James McKinna, Robert Pollack: Some Lambda Calculus and Type Theory Formalized. J. Autom. Reasoning 23(3-4): 373-409 (1999)
7 Robert Pollack: A Verified Typechecker. TLCA 1995: 365-380
6 Robert Pollack: On Extensibility of Proof Checkers. TYPES 1994: 140-161
5 James McKinna, Robert Pollack: Pure Type Systems Formalized. TLCA 1993: 289-305
4 L. S. van Benthem Jutting, James McKinna, Robert Pollack: Checking Algorithms for Pure Type Systems. TYPES 1993: 19-61
3 Arnon Avron, Furio Honsell, Ian A. Mason, Robert Pollack: Using Typed Lambda Calculus to Implement Formal Systems on a Machine. J. Autom. Reasoning 9(3): 309-354 (1992)
2 Robert Harper, Robert Pollack: Type Checking with Universes. Theor. Comput. Sci. 89(1): 107-136 (1991)
1 Robert Harper, Robert Pollack: Type Checking, Universe Polymorphism, and Typical Ambiguity in the Calculus of Constructions (Draft). TAPSOFT, Vol.2 1989: 241-256

Coauthor Index

1Arnon Avron [3]
2Paul Callaghan [11]
3Robert Harper [1] [2]
4Furio Honsell [3]
5L. S. van Benthem Jutting [4]
6Zhaohui Luo [11]
7Ian A. Mason [3]
8James McKinna [4] [5] [8] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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