2008 |
7 | EE | Brian E. Aydemir,
Arthur Charguéraud,
Benjamin C. Pierce,
Randy Pollack,
Stephanie Weirich:
Engineering formal metatheory.
POPL 2008: 3-15 |
2005 |
6 | | Randy Pollack:
ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, Workshop on Mechanized reasoning about languages with variable binding, MERLIN 2005, Tallinn, Estonia, September 30, 2005
ACM 2005 |
5 | EE | Thierry Coquand,
Randy Pollack,
Makoto Takeyama:
A Logical Framework with Dependently Typed Records.
Fundam. Inform. 65(1-2): 113-134 (2005) |
2004 |
4 | EE | John Longley,
Randy Pollack:
Reasoning About CBV Functional Programs in Isabelle/HOL.
TPHOLs 2004: 201-216 |
2003 |
3 | EE | Thierry Coquand,
Randy Pollack,
Makoto Takeyama:
A Logical Framework with Dependently Typed Records.
TLCA 2003: 105-119 |
2002 |
2 | EE | Herman Geuvers,
Randy Pollack,
Freek Wiedijk,
Jan Zwanenburg:
A Constructive Algebraic Hierarchy in Coq.
J. Symb. Comput. 34(4): 271-286 (2002) |
1993 |
1 | | Randy Pollack:
Closure Under Alpha-Conversion.
TYPES 1993: 313-332 |