
John B. Polhill

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4EEJohn B. Polhill: Paley type partial difference sets in non p-groups. Des. Codes Cryptography 52(2): 163-169 (2009)
3EEJohn B. Polhill: New negative Latin square type partial difference sets in nonelementary abelian 2-groups and 3-groups. Des. Codes Cryptography 46(3): 365-377 (2008)
2 John B. Polhill: A Construction of Layered Relative Difference Sets Using Galois Rings. Ars Comb. 78: (2006)
1 John B. Polhill: Constructions of Nested Partial Difference Sets with Galois Rings. Des. Codes Cryptography 25(3): 299-309 (2002)

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)