
Brian W. Pogue

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8EEBrian W. Pogue, Daqing Piao, Hamid Dehghani, Keith D. Paulsen: Demonstration of video-rate diffuse optical tomography in phantoms and tissues. ISBI 2006: 1196-1199
7EEHamid Dehghani, Brian W. Pogue, Ben Brooksby, Subhadra Srinivasan, Keith D. Paulsen: Image reconstruction strategies using dual modality MRI-NIR data. ISBI 2006: 682-685
6EEHamid Dehghani, Brian W. Pogue, Keith D. Paulsen: Development of hybrid NIR/MRI imaging system algorithm: use of a-priori information for tumor detection in the female breast. ISBI 2002: 657-660
5EEH. Xu, Hamid Dehghani, Brian W. Pogue, Keith D. Paulsen, J. F. Dunn: Hybrid MR/near infrared imaging of the murine brain: optimization of optical fiber arrangement and use of a-priori knowledge. ISBI 2002: 74-77
4 Brian W. Pogue, Xiaomei Song, Tor D. Tosteson, Troy O. McBride, Shudong Jiang, Keith D. Paulsen: Statistical analysis of non-linearly reconstructed near-infrared tomographic images: Part I - Theory and simulations. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(7): 755-763 (2002)
3 Xiaomei Song, Brian W. Pogue, Tor D. Tosteson, Troy O. McBride, Shudong Jiang, Keith D. Paulsen: Statistical analysis of non-linearly reconstructed near-infrared tomographic images: Part II - Experimental studies. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(7): 764-772 (2002)
2 Paul M. Meaney, Keith D. Paulsen, Brian W. Pogue, Michael I. Miga: Microwave Imaging Utilitizing Phase Unwrapping to Reduce Recovered Object Ambiguity. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 20(2): 104-116 (2001)
1 Tor D. Tosteson, Brian W. Pogue, Eugene Demidenko, Troy O. McBride, Keith D. Paulsen: Confidence Maps and Confidence Intervals for Near Infrared Images in Breast Cancer. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 18(12): 1188-1193 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Ben Brooksby [7]
2Hamid Dehghani [5] [6] [7] [8]
3Eugene Demidenko [1]
4J. F. Dunn [5]
5Shudong Jiang [3] [4]
6Troy O. McBride [1] [3] [4]
7Paul M. Meaney [2]
8Michael I. Miga [2]
9Keith D. Paulsen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
10Daqing Piao [8]
11Xiaomei Song [3] [4]
12Subhadra Srinivasan [7]
13Tor D. Tosteson [1] [3] [4]
14H. Xu [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)