
Vedran Podobnik

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8EETvrtko Milicic, Vedran Podobnik, Ana Petric, Gordan Jezic: The CrocodileAgent: A Software Agent for SCM Procurement Gaming. IEA/AIE 2008: 865-875
7EEFran Frkovic, Vedran Podobnik, Krunoslav Trzec, Gordan Jezic: Agent-Based User Personalization Using Context-Aware Semantic Reasoning. KES (1) 2008: 166-173
6 Vedran Podobnik, Ana Petric, Gordan Jezic: An Agent-Based Solution for Dynamic Supply Chain Management. J. UCS 14(7): 1080-1104 (2008)
5EEIgor Ljubi, Vedran Podobnik, Gordan Jezic: Cooperative mobile agents for automation of service provisioning: A telecom innovation. ICDIM 2007: 817-822
4EEAna Petric, Vedran Podobnik, Gordan Jezic: The CrocodileAgent: Designing a Robust Trading Agent for Volatile E-Market Conditions. KES-AMSTA 2007: 597-606
3EEVedran Podobnik, Ana Petric, Gordan Jezic: The CrocodileAgent: Research for Efficient Agent-Based Cross-Enterprise Processes. OTM Workshops (1) 2006: 752-762
2EEVedran Podobnik, Krunoslav Trzec, Gordan Jezic: An Auction-Based Semantic Service Discovery Model for E-Commerce Applications. OTM Workshops (1) 2006: 97-106
1EEAna Petric, Vedran Podobnik, Gordan Jezic: The CrocodileAgent 2005: An Overview of the TAC SCM Agent. TADA/AMEC 2006: 219-233

Coauthor Index

1Fran Frkovic [7]
2Gordan Jezic [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
3Igor Ljubi [5]
4Tvrtko Milicic [8]
5Ana Petric [1] [3] [4] [6] [8]
6Krunoslav Trzec [2] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)