
V. V. Podinovski

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4EEV. V. Podinovski: Computation of efficient targets in DEA models with production trade-offs and weight restrictions. European Journal of Operational Research 181(2): 586-591 (2007)
3EEV. V. Podinovski: Selective convexity in DEA models. European Journal of Operational Research 161(2): 552-563 (2005)
2EEV. V. Podinovski: On the linearisation of reference technologies for testing returns to scale in FDH models. European Journal of Operational Research 152(3): 800-802 (2004)
1EEV. V. Podinovski: Suitability and redundancy of non-homogeneous weight restrictions for measuring the relative efficiency in DEA. European Journal of Operational Research 154(2): 380-395 (2004)

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