
Roberto Podestá

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8 Mauro Migliardi, Roberto Podestá: A Standard Interface For Grid-powered Parametric Optimization. GCA 2007: 180-185
7EEPierpaolo Baglietto, Mauro Migliardi, Roberto Podestá: A server-side software engine providing context-aware services. ICDIM 2007: 670-675
6 Mauro Migliardi, Roberto Podestá: Parallel Component Descriptor Language: XML based deployment descriptors for Grid application components. PDPTA 2007: 955-961
5EEMatteo Marchesotti, Roberto Podestá, Mauro Migliardi: A Measurement-Based Analysis of the Responsiveness of the Linux Kernel. ECBS 2006: 397-408
4EEMauro Migliardi, Roberto Podestá: Performance Improvement in Web Services Invocation Framework. IPDPS 2004
3 Mauro Migliardi, Roberto Podestá: Evaluation of Java Web Services Toolkit for Grid Computing. PDPTA 2004: 806-814
2 Mauro Migliardi, Roberto Podestá: RMI-like communication for migrable software components in HARNESS. PARCO 2003: 87-94
1 Roberto Podestá, Mauro Migliardi: WSDL Grid Binding. PDPTA 2003: 43-49

Coauthor Index

1Pierpaolo Baglietto [7]
2Matteo Marchesotti [5]
3Mauro Migliardi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)