
Uwe F. Pleban

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12EEPeter L. Bird, Uwe F. Pleban: A semantics-directed partitioning of a processor architecture. SC 1991: 702-709
11 Steven R. Vegdahl, Uwe F. Pleban: The Run-Time Environment for Screme, A Scheme Implementation on the 88000. ASPLOS 1989: 172-182
10 Uwe F. Pleban, Peter Lee: An Automatically Generated, Realistic Compiler for an Imperative Programming Language. PLDI 1988: 222-232
9 Uwe F. Pleban, Peter Lee: High-Level Semantics: An Integrated Approach to Programming Language Semantics and the Specification of Implementations. MFPS 1987: 550-571
8 Peter Lee, Uwe F. Pleban: A Realistic Compiler Generator Based on High-Level Semantics. POPL 1987: 284-295
7 Peter Lee, Uwe F. Pleban: On the Use of LISP in Implementing Denotational Semantics. LISP and Functional Programming 1986: 233-248
6 Don Milos, Uwe F. Pleban, George Loegel: Direct Implementation of Compiler Specifications or the Pascal P-code Compiler Revisited. POPL 1984: 196-207
5 Uwe F. Pleban: Formal Semantics and Compiler Generation. Programmierumgebungen und Compiler 1984: 145-169
4EEUwe F. Pleban: Compiler prototyping using formal semantics. SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction 1984: 94-105
3EEJames Bodwin, Laurette Bradley, Kohji Kanda, Diane Litle, Uwe F. Pleban: Experience with an Experimental Compiler Generator Based on Denotational Semantics. SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction 1982: 216-229
2 Steven S. Muchnick, Uwe F. Pleban: A Semantic Comparison of LISP and Scheme. LISP Conference 1980: 56-64
1EEUwe F. Pleban: The use of transition matrices in a recursive-descent compiler. SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction 1979: 144-151

Coauthor Index

1Peter L. Bird [12]
2James Bodwin [3]
3Laurette Bradley [3]
4Kohji Kanda [3]
5Peter Lee [7] [8] [9] [10]
6Diane Litle [3]
7George Loegel [6]
8Don Milos [6]
9Steven S. Muchnick [2]
10Steven R. Vegdahl [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)