
Rainer Plaga

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3 Ulrike Korte, Michael Krawczak, Johannes Merkle, Rainer Plaga, Matthias Niesing, Carsten Tiemann, Han Vinck, Ulrich Martini: A Cryptographic Biometric Authentication System based on Genetic Fingerprints. Sicherheit 2008: 263-276
2 Ulrike Korte, Rainer Plaga: Cryptographic protection of biometric templates: Chance, challenges and applications. BIOSIG 2007: 33-46
1EESigrid Gürgens, Carsten Rudolph, Dirk Scheuermann, Marion Atts, Rainer Plaga: Security Evaluation of Scenarios Based on the TCG's TPM Specification. ESORICS 2007: 438-453

Coauthor Index

1Marion Atts [1]
2Sigrid Gürgens [1]
3Ulrike Korte [2] [3]
4Michael Krawczak [3]
5Ulrich Martini [3]
6Johannes Merkle [3]
7Matthias Niesing [3]
8Carsten Rudolph [1]
9Dirk Scheuermann [1]
10Carsten Tiemann [3]
11Han Vinck [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)