
H. Ivan Piza

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7EEH. Ivan Piza, Félix F. Ramos, Fabiel Zúñiga: A Method for 3D-Scene Generation Using a Human-Like Language. CW 2006: 50-57
6EEFabiel Zúñiga, Félix F. Ramos, H. Ivan Piza: GeDA-3D Agent Architecture. ICPADS (2) 2005: 201-205
5EEH. Ivan Piza, Fabiel Zúñiga, Félix F. Ramos: Using a Declarative Language to Describe the Interactions in Virtual Scenes. ICPADS (2) 2005: 224-229
4EEFélix F. Ramos, Luis Razo, Alma V. Martinez, Fabiel Zúñiga, H. Ivan Piza: 3D Emotional Agent Architecture. IICS 2005: 181-194
3EEFabiel Zúñiga, Félix F. Ramos Corchado, H. Ivan Piza: Specifying Agent's Goals in 3D Scenarios Using Process Algebras. ISSADS 2005: 472-482
2EEH. Ivan Piza, Fabiel Zúñiga, Félix F. Ramos: A Platform to Design and Run Dynamic Virtual Environments. CW 2004: 78-85
1EEFélix F. Ramos, H. Ivan Piza, Fabiel Zúñiga: GeDA-3D a Middleware Useful to Handle the Evolution in Behavioral Animation-Based Virtual Worlds with a Multi-agent Architecture. IICS 2004: 168-177

Coauthor Index

1Félix F. Ramos Corchado (Félix F. Ramos) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Alma V. Martinez [4]
3Luis Razo [4]
4Fabiel Zúñiga [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)